Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Superman: Doomsday

The animated version of the Superman: Doomsday DVD came out today. This,
as you'll recall, recounts the death of Superman. Now I haven't had a
chance to watch the movie yet, I just stopped at Best Buy in my travels
between hospitals, but I had to post this because even the pakaging of
this DVD has me all gaga!

The DVD comes with an outer sleve that has a 3D Lenticular motion
graphic of the Superman symbol, and then as you move it, Superman
busting through the symbol. Because of the lenticular plastic over the
image it also allows them to create a 3D effect. In fact, as I was
peeling the labels off the front of the box, I got this weird sensation
that I was reaching into the box! And anyone that knows me knows that
stereo photography is another of my way too many hobbies, so this 3D
gimmick delights the beejeebers out of me!

Also, depending on where you buy the set, it may come with an exclusive
bonus. Best Buy includes a digest sized reprint of the first two
chapters of The New Frontier (which is, if you weren't already aware)
the next DVD due out in early 2008). One of the other retailers included
a mini-poster for the Doomsday movie. So if you're going to buy it, you
might want to check the Target and Circuit City flyers to see if they
have a bonus you're going to like more than the reprint. Heaven knows,
Wal-Mart probably has their own exclusive as well! These are all on a
limited basis, so if you care, you might want to run out and pick one

If, on the other hand, you don't really care about 3D lenticulars, and
other gimmicks, you might want to wait a few months and buy the DVD for
the $9.99 price that they all seem to eventually drop to.

Personally though, I'd like to see these projects supported. $10 to $15
for a brand new feature doesn't seem too much and if enough folks feel
the same way, we'll get to see many more. I've got my fingers crossed
that lots of folks feel as I do!


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