Saturday, April 07, 2007

'Dead Money'

Back in the early 80's Ace Science Fiction launched a series called 'the
New Ace Science Fiction Specials' which was a series, edited by Terry
Carr, that introduced new SF writers by publishing their first novels.
Among those writers were Pat Murphy, Kim Stanley Robinson, and Lucius
Shepard. While I sought out and read the whole series, Lucius Shepard's
first novel, 'Green Eyes' was the one that I most enjoyed. Not only does
Shepard tell a good story, but he's "got a way with words." His prose is
almost poetic as he sets the scene so vividly, you almost feel like
you're there. Strangely, 'Green Eyes' was the one that I was most
reluctant to read because it was touted as a new and unique version on
voodoo and zombies (or shouldi say, reanimated life?). But when I got
into the story I quickly realized that the description was way too
simplistic. Instead I got a well told, beuatifully written novel that
ends at breakneck speed! Needless to say, I've been picking up Shepard's
books ever since, his 'Life During Wartime' being probably his best to
date, and simply a masterpiece of prose.

But you can imagine my delight when I stopped in at Borders the other
day and found Shepard listed on the cover of the April/May issue of
Asimov's as a contributor, even more delighted to find he was listed as
having written a novella, and REALLY delighted to find that his story in
that issue, 'Dead Money', is prefaced by "returns to the eerie mileau of
his first novel Green Eyes." While I haven't quite finished the story, I
can tell you that there are several paragraphs in this story that I've
gone back and read so as to luxuriate in them. My gosh, what a great

If you've never had the pleasure of reading any of the work of Lucius
Shepard, I would recommend this 30th Issue of Asimov's magazine. Its got
stories by over a dozen top writers in the SF field including Gene Wolfe
(of whom I'm not a fan, but I have too many discriminating friends who
enjoy his work, for me to totally dismiss him. There's just something
I'm not seeing!)

Check it out, you'll be glad you did.

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