Tuesday, March 22, 2005


We're not in a rush to get home thanks to our change in plans. Currently
we're in the upper part of Texas, and will cross into Oklahoma and
Arkansas in time. Any suggestions what we might visit on the trip home?
Direction can be altered...


notsosilentbruce on AOL IM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bruce, You have the All American Rose Society in Shreveport, Louisiana, Hot Springs in Arkansas (national park), Graceland in Memphis, Dollywood in Nashville, and The Chatanooga Choo-choo in, of course, Chatanooga. There's also El Darado (pronounced El Da Ray Doh, not El Da Rah Do)
in southwestern Arkansas, but other than the name it's not a big deal! ;-) You could wait to turn north until you hit the blue-ridge parkway, which is supposed to be beautiful, but I believe it has ~ 35MPH speed limit.


10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again, There's a National Park near Los Alamos that is breathtaking. It has pueblo ruins and there are trees! A co-worker and I took a ride there after a business meeting - so we didn't have a lot of time, there was very few cars on the road so we were amazed when we hit a traffic jam in the middle of no-where. It was a herd of elk crossing the road and everyone had stopped to watch. Santa Fe is a very interesting town for a capital city. But I guess you've already passed through New Mexico.

10:58 PM  

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