Saturday, February 26, 2005

Podcasting - small press for radio

Remember Adam Curry? VJ from MTV? Apparently since we've last seen him, he's had his own internet company and when it got to be worth 68
million, sold it. So now this man of leasure has been involved in
developing Podcasting.

What is Podcasting? Podcasts are ameteur (mostly anyway) radio type programs that are uploaded in mp3 format to the internet and downloadable via an "aggregator" (collector) program. The aggregator
programs are designed to allow synchronization with an iPod (or other
mp3 players I assume), but the shows can be downloaded and listened to
with you computer. Internet radio shows are nothing new as I'm sure you
know, but the "killer application" here is the aggregation programs that
seek out your "subscribed" programs and download them to your mobile
device, whch can in turn, be listened to in your car or at work or while
you walk or jog.

And the shows themselves? There are currently around 3200 different podcasts being produced. News, music, humor, you name it. Just for instance I like to listen to:

The Dawn and Drew show - a young couple podcasting from their Wisconsin
farmhouse. Topics are, well, whatever, but usually funny and often a bit
off color.

The Daily Source Code - Adam Curry's own mostly daily show which consists of music, poodcast news, and occasionally some MTV memories.

Coverville - 3 times a week Brian hosts a 1/2 hour show featuring "covers" (songs done by other than the originator). The shows often have themes.

Various computer tech shows like Leo Laporte's computer tech show, Maccast, and the Linux Link Tech show.

If you're curious and want to try some shows out (or even want to create a show of your own) you can visit or for
listings of shows by category and software to download (although most
can be downloaded directly form their home sites if you so choose).


notsosilentbruce on AOL IM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just testing to see if anyone can leave a comment. Please ignore that man behind the curtain!


10:14 PM  

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