Might I humbly recommend?
I eagerly await my issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction in each month's
mail. The latest issue arrived today with a new short story by a writer
I discovered last summer in F & SF, Matthew Hughes. So far he's done
several stories featuring this character, Henghis Hapthorne. old Earths
foremost freelance discriminator. Henghis is sort of a Nero Wolfe,
reluctant to leave his studies, sending his integrator to do his
Hughes stories take place in a distant future where things are, well, a
bit different than today. Rather than have me go on for paragraphs and
thereby reinforce my title of babbler, I'll give you Mr. Hughes website
address and let you decide if you want to know anymore:
There are several other writers in this (April) issue of F&SF that I
have enjoyed in the past, in particular, Ron Goulart with an new story
about his turn-of-the-century supernatural investigator, Harry
And if you think this is a ploy on my part to help the folks at F&SF
sell more issues so they'll be sure to stay in business (and along the
way entertain me with great stories) you're absolutely right!
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